21 Jun 2016

Tips for wife to show respect for her husband

1. Express faith in his decision and ability.

2. Leave him notes (men respond better to the written words) that tell him how much you value who he is as a person (and sometimes for his work). ...

3. If he botches a task at home, don’t sigh, roll your eyes, and mutter at him; instead, thank him for trying.
4. Make positive suggestions without demanding an immediate answer. Ask him to reflect on it for a while.

5. Listen to his upsets and don’t take his anger personally.

6. Let him vent when he needs to.

7. Encourage him in areas where he doesn’t feel secure and let him know you stand behind him.

8. When he makes a decision you’re not in favor of, listen.

9. Talk about his positive strengths in front of the children.

10. Praise him at least once a day.

11. Discover the uniqueness of his personality and learn to understand him and communicate better with him.

12. Accept his maleness and celebrate the differences that come from this.


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