31 Mar 2016

The Importance of Waking up for Fajr Prayer

The Importance of Waking up for Fajr Prayer

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim

(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)
Some Muslims around the world have trouble waking up for Fajr, or morning prayer. However, few do not realize how important Fajr really is. The Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) emphasizes the importance of waking up on time to pray the Fajr prayer but  Read The Full Article here


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    Linda Sarhan

    One last note: Theft is also forbidden in Islam.

    1. +Linda Sarhan Dont worry i will credit you on all the article I copy from any website. I am just doing it for Islam. Thanks and forgive me.

    2. Again, I do NOT give you permission to copy my article. Remove this or I will file a DCMA complaint. Just giving me "credit" and leaving the entire text has now stolen money away from me to feed my family. You may use the link to my articles and obviously the Qur'an and hadiths but I do NOT give you permission to use my words.

      Look at this website and see how you can LEGALLY share articles without STEALING people's words and money. http://confessionsofanewmuslim.yolasite.com/

      Otherwise, what you are doing is still theft, especially when the author tells you that you do NOT have permission to use his/her intellectual property.

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    "Blogger respects the rights of copyright holders and complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable copyright laws. When we receive proper notice as required by the DMCA, we will work to promptly remove content that has been identified as copyright infringement.

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    Blogger. Copyright infringement policy. Google Terms of Service. n.d. Web. 15 April 2016

    Please note how a citation works to avoid copyright infringement. Also, you may want to read more on Google's policies and procedures regarding copyright. (Blogger is owned by Google) https://support.google.com/legal/topic/4558877

    If this is not fixed by Monday morning (being more than generous with time), I will be filing a DMCA complaint to have the content removed.
