31 Mar 2016

Junaid Jamshed - Pakistani Pop singer who committed to Islam

Junaid Jamshed - Pakistani Pop singer who committed to Islam
Junaid Jamshed - Pakistani Pop singer who committed to Islam
All Pakistanis and Muslims should be proud of Junaid Jamshed who took a bold step and renounced music to devote his life to Islam. He made huge sacrifices like cancelling his contract with PEPSI and abandoning his popularity as a singer. He joined the Tabligh Jamaat (preachers of Islam) when his career as singer was reaching its height of success. In an international poll conducted by BBC to choose ten most famous songs of all time, among 7000 Dil Dil Pakistan was third in top 10 songs.

I saw him recently on a TV Channel few days ago making a charity appeal. I was really very pleased to see him. He has really set an example for the Muslim youth. He has rightly said that if he can change his life style being a POP singer then why can’t others.

His speech on You tube has touched me so much that I have become his great fan. I am also very much inspired by his wife too who always supported him in his cause. I was also very happy to learn that for all the sacrifices he has made, Allah has rewarded him well and in a very short span of time, Junaid Jamshed has once again gained the same popularity through many of his Islamic albums of naats and hamds. His designer wear outlets are also gaining much credibility and popularity in Pakistan and abroad.

Indeed there is a lesson for all of us if we want to change our lives and earn our livelihood through halaal means and follow the right path.

May allah bless him and give us guidance as he has given to him. Ameen !!


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