Suarh Mu'minoon 25:97-98
My Lord I seek refuge in You from the whisperings of the devils (Shaitan), and I seek refuge in You, my Lord, lest they be present with me / be near me.
What Is Islam?
The word Islam means “to submit” or “to obey,” derived from a word for peace. So, it means 'submission to the will of God'.[1] Muslims believe that…Read More
Belief in Allah (One God)
The doctrine of God is the foundation of the religion of Islam and is central to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. God is the Supreme Being who exis…Read More
Islam: A Jewel to be Uncovered
Islam is a jewel that has, over the centuries, gotten covered with layers of ignorance and prejudice. It teaches human beings to be peaceful, caring…Read More
Belief in the Angels of Allah
Angels are a form of spiritual beings created by Allah to perform various assigned duties. There are numerous angels. They are bound to obey the c…Read More
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