2 Jan 2016

How to avoid Divorce

how to avoid divorce in islam

Relationship of marriage is very fragile and shaitan takes up every opportunity to destroy it and as soon as he destroys it, this is what happens - corruption in muslim community, men are not guarding their eyes anymore, scandals are spreading etc., etc., All the great tragedies that happen in muslim community are the result of bad marriages and all this starts from husbands not taking care of their wife and wife not taking care of their husbands.

Below are few ways to reconcile a broken relationship: -

Brief explanation of the five pillars of Islam

Brief explanation of the five pillars of Islam
Brief explanation of the five pillars of Islam

By Murtada Gusau

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

All thanks and praises are due to Allah, who sustains all creation with His favour. He is the only deity worthy of worship. O Allah! We only worship You, seek and invoke You for help for each and everything, and appreciate and praise You for Your bounties. I hereby testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone, without partners and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger whom He sent as mercy for mankind and the jinn. O Allah! Send Your mercy and blessings to Muhammad, his progeny, companions and people of knowledge and correct guidance.

Allah the Exalted said:

1 Jan 2016

Giving charity from unlawfully earned wealth

Giving charity from unlawfully earned wealth
Giving charity from unlawfully earned wealth
There is a Muslim who has intersest earnings from his bank account, and he wants to give these earnings regularly in charity. Is there any reward for him from the charity that he gives? Is that money o.k. for the charity to accept, knowing that it has come from interest earnings?

Answered by
The Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî

Postponing the Zuhr prayer on hot, summer days

Postponing the Zuhr prayer on hot, summer days
Postponing the Zuhr prayer on hot, summer days

I have heard that it is Sunnah to postpone the Zuhr prayer on hot, summer days until closer to the time of the `Asr prayer. I always thought it was best to pray all our prayers at the beginning of the prayer time. Please clarify this matter for me.

Answered by

Sheikh Sulaymân al-Mâjid, judge at the Riyadh Supreme Court

It is true.

This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, as related by Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī: "When the heat of day becomes intense, wait to pray when it gets cooler, for indeed the severe heat is a gust from Hell." [Sahīh al-Bukhārī and Sahīh Muslim]

The Importance of Being Honest & Approachable

The Importance of Being Honest & Approachable

By Sheikh Salman al-Oadah

My first experience with a video camera was with a close friend who placed one on front of me and asked me to recite a few verses of the Qur’an. When he played it back, I could not hear my voice. He had set the camera’s volume incorrectly.

When I speak with my friends in private, I am relaxed, but when the camera starts rolling, the studio lights are turned on, and the mics are placed, I become unavoidably tenser. My tone changes. Everything I say is now official. My mood gradually become more natural the longer I speak before the camera. Success requires that I appear to be relaxed and speaking casually with a friend. I cannot look like I am speaking to a camera. I have to imagine that I am speaking to one person and not to the masses.

Combining prayers all the time

Combining prayers all the time
Combining prayers all the time


There are people who advocate combining together the Zuhr and `Asr prayers and likewise the Maghrib and `Ishâ' prayers on a regular basis, without needing any particular excuse like rain or sickness. They argue that in the Qur'an, prayer is only mentioned three times in the day and night.

They also cite the hadīth related by Ibn `Abbās that the Prophet (peace be upon him) combined between the Zuhr and `Asr prayers and likewise between the Maghrib and `Ishā' prayers while he was in Madinah without there being a specific reason for doing so like fear, rain, or traveling.

Standing United against Terrorism

Standing United against Terrorism
Standing United against Terrorism
This article contains some harsh words for those who choose to follow the path of violence. However, I find it necessary to use a harsh tone – which departs from my normal writing style – in order to confront those people who take up arms with the purpose of bringing death to numerous people and reducing societies to ruin. 

When I wrote about al-Qaeda, some of my dear friends took exception to my doing so, warning me that I would be the brunt of libel and attacks upon my honor, or worse. However, I replied that the situation required that we speak clearly and frankly, and it does not matter what people will say.

The Happiest of All People

The Happiest of All People
Madina Mosque
Description: The happiest of all people were the Prophets, in spite of the fact that they suffered more than anyone else.

The happiest people who ever lived on the face of the Earth were the Prophets. This is in spite of the fact that they suffered more than anyone else. They had to endure severe persecution in delivering the message that God had entrusted them with. Beyond that, they were subjected to the same difficulties that all other human beings suffer from, like illness, poverty, hunger, and thirst, and often to a greater than usual degree.