25 Dec 2015

The Simple Life of Muhammad

The Simple Life of Muhammad
The Simple Life of Muhammad
If we compare the life of Muhammad before his mission as a prophet and his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that Muhammad was a false prophet, who claimed prophethood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.

Before his mission as a prophet, Muhammad had no financial worries. As a successful and reputed merchant, Muhammad drew a satisfactory and comfortable income. After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. To clarify this more, let us browse the following sayings on his life:

Miracles Performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Many miracles were performed by the Prophet Muhammad by God’s permission. These miracles were witnessed by many people. For example:

n When the unbelievers in Makkah asked the Prophet Muhammad to show them a miracle, he showed them the splitting of the moon.1

The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass

The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass

One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within three to nine years after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:

The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4)

Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammad , the Prophet of Islam

The Biblical prophecies on the advent of the Prophet Muhammad are evidence of the truth of Islam for people who believe in the Bible.

In Deuteronomy 18, Moses stated that God told him:

“I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.” (Deuteronomy 18:18-19).1

The Quran on Seas and Rivers

Quran says that fresh water and sea water never mix
Quran says that fresh water and sea water never mix
Description: Barriers between various types of water found in nature: a fact mentioned in the Quran expounded by science.

Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and density.[1] For example, Mediterranean sea water is warm, saline, and less dense, compared to Atlantic ocean water. When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1000 meters with its own warm, saline, and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth[2] (see figure 1).

The Quran on Deep Seas and Internal Waves

The Quran on Deep Seas and Internal Waves
The Quran on Deep Seas and Internal Waves
Description: The Quranic account of life in the deep seas, the darkness therein, and how it confirms modern scientific findings.

God has said in the Quran:

“Or (the unbelievers’ state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds. Darknesses, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it....” (Quran 24:40)

The Quran on Clouds

Description: Details mentioned in the Quran about cloud formation over 1400 years ago has only recently been discovered by science.

Scientists have studied cloud types and have realized that rain clouds are formed and shaped according to definite systems and certain steps connected with certain types of wind and clouds.

One kind of rain cloud is the cumulonimbus cloud. Meteorologists have studied how cumulonimbus clouds are formed and how they produce rain, hail, and lightning.

Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran

Description: The statements of various scientists in regards to the facts found in the Quran which conform to recently discovered scientific truths.

The following are some comments of scientists[1] on the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. All of these comments have been taken from the videotape entitled This is the Truth. In this videotape, you can see and hear the scientists while they are giving the following comments. (To view the RealPlayer video of a comment, click on the link at the end of that comment. For a copy of this videotape, please visit this page.)

Qur'an and Science: The Miracle of Iron

Qur'an and Science: The Miracle of Iron
Qur'an and Science: The Miracle of Iron
Description: The Quran seems to imply that the iron was something “sent down” and not from this earth, an idea not foreign to 20th century science.

Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Quran. In the chapter known Al-Hadeed, meaning Iron, we are informed:

“And We also sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind…” (Quran 57:25)

The Quran on the Expanding Universe and the Big Bang Theory

The Quran on the Expanding Universe and the Big Bang Theory
The Quran on the Expanding Universe and the Big Bang Theory

Description: This article delineates the correlation between the most accepted scientific explanation of the origin and expansion of the Universe, and the description of its origin and expansion in the Quran.

Hubble’s Law

The Victory of the Romans and the Lowest Point on Earth

The Victory of the Romans and the Lowest Point on Earth
The Victory of the Romans and the Lowest Point on Earth
Description: The Quran lays light on the lowest place of earth.

In the early 7th century, the two most powerful empires at the time were the Byzantine[1] and Persian Empires. In the years 613 - 614 C.E the two Empires went to war, with the Byzantines suffering a severe defeat at the hands of the Persians. Damascus and Jerusalem both fell to the Persian Empire. In the chapter, The Romans, in the Holy Quran, it is stated that the Byzantines had met with a great defeat but would soon gain victory:

Islam the true religion of God: Some of the Scientific Miracles in Brief

Islam the true religion of God: Some of the Scientific Miracles in Brief
Islam the true religion of God: Some of the Scientific Miracles in Brief
Description: Why Islam is the true religion of God.

Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have sought to understand nature and our place in it. In this quest for the purpose of life many people have turned to religion. Most religions are based on books claimed by their followers to be divinely inspired, without any proof. Islam is different because it is based upon reason and proof.

There are clear signs that the book of Islam, the Quran, is the word of God and we have many reasons to support this claim:

18 Dec 2015

Hinduism (part 4 of 4): More differences between Islam & Hinduism

Hinduism: More differences between Islam & Hinduism
Hinduism: More differences between Islam & Hinduism
Description: Widows, sati and the caste system.

Further to our discussion about the status of women in Hinduism mention must be made of sati, the burning of women on their husband’s funeral pyre. Sati was prevalent in ancient India, when some women deemed it a great honour to die in this way. By the 10th century sati, was known across much of the subcontinent and it continued to occur, with regional variations, into the 20th century. Wives would self immolate to cast away any sins the husband had committed. This is a voluntary act; however widows were put under a great deal of pressure to do it and were frowned upon if they did not follow the custom.

Ibn Batuta[1] (1333 A.D.) observed that Sati was considered praiseworthy by the Hindus, without being obligatory. The Agni Purana[2] declares that the woman who commits sati goes to heaven. However, Medhatiti[3] pronounced that Sati was like suicide and was against the Shastras, the Hindu code of conduct. This is another example of Hindu scriptures seemingly contradicting each other.

Hinduism (part 3 of 4): The status of women in Hinduism

Hinduism Symbol
Hinduism Symbol
Description: A comparison of the rights of women in Hinduism & Islam.

Hinduism[1] is the third largest religion in the world, with more than 950 million adherents. Although Hindus live predominantly in India and Nepal, they are scattered throughout the world. As we discussed in the previous two articles, in some ways Hinduism and Islam can be thought of as polar opposites. Two of the most basic beliefs of Hinduism conflict completely with the most basic beliefs of Islam. In Islam worship is for One God, Muslims do not worship idols, statues or representations of God. Hindus, on the other hand worship many gods and deities.

Muslims believe that we each have one life, upon which we will be judged, and rewarded or punished accordingly, whereas Hindus believe in reincarnation, the process of rebirth and the transmigration of souls. These two issues were covered in article two. In this article we will talk about the status of women in Hinduism and compare it with the teachings of Islam.

Hinduism (part 2 of 4): Idol worship and Reincarnation

Hinduism (part 2 of 4): Idol worship and Reincarnation
Hinduism: Idol worship and Reincarnation
Description: Two big differences between Hinduism and Islam.

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. There are approximately 950 million adherents, most of them in India or Nepal. Central to Hindu worship is the image or icon, and central to Hindu belief is the concept of rebirth or reincarnation. These two fundamental convictions in some ways make Hinduism and Islam polar opposites.

Monotheism versus Polytheism

The most fundamental belief in Islam is the concept of One God. He has no sons, daughters, associates or intermediaries. He does not have partners or underlings; therefore, there are no demi gods or minor deities inherent in the concept of God. He is not part of His creation and God is not in everybody and everything. Praying to images, icons, statues, animals or stones is a grave sin. Believing that someone or something other than God alone is able to affect your life or future is a grave sin. Worshipping something or someone along with or instead of God and not sincerely repenting before death is considered to be the only unforgiveable sin in Islam. The belief in more than one god is called polytheism and the pure monotheism of Islam is directly opposed to it.

Hinduism (part 1 of 4): What is Hinduism?

What is Hinduism?
What is Hinduism?
Description: A brief overview of Hinduism in a series of articles discussing it from a comparative religions perspective.

This is the first article in a series discussing Hinduism from a comparative religions perspective. Although as Muslims we believe wholeheartedly that there is only One God and Mohammad is His messenger, and that Islam is the religion of those who are submitted to God, these articles are not intended to denigrate other religions or their followers. Our intention is, as the title suggests, to compare religions.

What is Buddhism? (part 2 of 2)

What is Buddhism?

In Buddhism,[1] the ultimate goal is to break the cycle of rebirth and achieve enlightenment or nirvana. Nirvana is a transcendental state in which there is no suffering, desire, or sense of self. The Buddha however, did not give a complete definition of nirvana. It is worth noting that the term Buddha most commonly refers to the founder of Buddhism, Siddartha Gautama, however any person who has achieved full enlightenment, or nirvana, may be referred to as a Buddha.

In most religious groups and traditions the key belief is the acceptance of a Supreme Being, in other words, a Creator God. In all Buddhist traditions however, the key belief is the importance of meditation. It is considered the path to liberation – the end of human suffering. Buddhists do not believe in either a creator or personal God, in fact Buddhism rejects such a notion and considers God a response to human fright and frustration. According to Buddhist ideology humans create the idea of God to console themselves in a fear filled and hostile world.

What is Buddhism? Part 1 of 2

What is Buddhism
Definition: A widespread Asian religion or philosophy, founded by Siddartha Gautama in NE India in the 5th century BCE, which teaches that enlightenment may be reached by elimination of earthly desires and of the idea of the self.[1]

Buddhism is the religion of more than 500 million people around the globe. The majority of those people live in Asia but there are substantial Buddhist communities in other continents. There are two main Buddhist traditions, Theravada (The School of the Elders) and Mahayana (The Great Vehicle). Buddhism is not strictly a religion and is often described a philosophy of life.
Who was the Buddha?

10 Dec 2015

Male Circumcision in Islam

Male circumcision is among the rites of Islam and is part of the (in Arabic): fitrah, or the innate disposition and natural character and instinct of the human creation.

As-Shawkani said in his book Nayl al-Awtar (1/184):
"What the Prophet (s.A.w.) means by Fitrah is that if these characteristics are followed by a man, he would be described as a man of Fitrah, which Allah (s.w.t.) has gifted his servants with, and encouraged them to follow, so that they attain a high degree of respectability and dignity."
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Five are the acts quite akin to fitrah:Circumcision, clipping or shaving the pubes, cutting the nails, plucking or shaving the hair under the armpits and clipping (or shaving) the moustache." (Reported in Bukhari & Muslim)

Islamic Values and Ethics in Prevention and Treatment of Emotional Disorders

By Basheer Ahmed,

God says about Qur'an ..It (Qur'an) is a:-guide and a healing to those who believe" (S.41: V. 44). Religion plays a significant role in satisfying our physical as well as spiritual needs: Islam teaches us a code of behaviour and gives us a meaning for our existence. Unfortunately, in today's western society the religious, moral and ethical values have been declining. The families are falling apart, divorce rate is increasing sharply, substance abuse and excessive sexual indulgence are common in adolescents and young adults. These factors lead to conflicts, resentment, loss of self-respect, loneliness, depression, anxiety and a host of psychological symptoms. Despite progress in the behavioural sciences, there remains the question of whether current technique of treatment and prevention of emotional disturbances are effective in making a significant impact on psychiatric problems.

Henna (Mehendi) is a Great Healer

By Dr. M. Laiq Ahmed Khan

The Henna plant is not only extensively grown throughout India, but cultivated as well. It is planted as hedges around houses, buildings and sometimes fields. It is two-meter long when fully grown and emission of a typical fragrance is also noted during nights. It is cultivated throughout India. For ages. The Mehndi of Faridabad is very much popular and liked by the users. The different parts of the plant viz. leaves, stems, flowers and fruits are being used for cosmetic as well as medicinal purposes.

Umme Salma (R) narrates: "In the life of Prophet Muhammed (saws), no injury or thorn piercing was treated on which Henna was not applied." (Tirmizi, Sanad-e-Ahmed)

4 Dec 2015

Show Kindness to Animals

Show Kindness to Animals
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) not only preached to the people to show kindness to each other but also to all living souls. He forbade the practice of cutting tails and manes of horses, of branding animals at any soft spot, and of keeping horses saddled unnecessarily. [Sahih Muslim] If he saw any animal over-loaded or Milad he would pull up the owner and say,

"Fear Allah in your treatment of animals." [Abu Dawood]

A companion came to him with the young ones of a bird in his sheet and said that the mother bird had hovered over them all along. He was directed to replace her offspring in the same bush (Mishkat, Abu Dawood)

During a journey, somebody picked up some birds eggs. The bird's painful note and fluttering attracted the attention of the Prophet (pbuh), who asked the man to replace the eggs. [Sahih Bukhari]

Making up missed Ramadan Fasts

Making up missed Ramadan Fasts
Sometimes we are unable to fast all days during Ramadan due to various reasons, such as ill health, travel or other extenuating circumstances. God is Most Merciful, and allows us the provision to make up the missed fast outside Ramadan.

[2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.

My name is Christina and this is how I accepted Islam

This is Kristin Nicole Ritchie holding a Mic before Converting to Muslim
This is Kristin Nicole Ritchie holding a Mic before Converting to Muslim
On Christmas Day, 2010, I embraced Islam and became a Muslim. Why? Simply because I felt ready, as a result of a gradual process of growth and change that had been slowly transforming my life over the past year.

I moved to Abu Dhabi, UAE, in the spring of 2010, to teach English. My first time in the Gulf, I didn’t know what to expect but I wanted to understand the culture around me and the religion, which are a vital aspect of everyday life in this part of the world. Hence began my journey to learn about Middle Eastern culture and the people around me, reading books about Islam and the Quran. I had no intention of changing my own religion. I just wanted to understand Islam.

As I continued reading and delving , I realised that there was alot about Islam that I didn’t know or had misunderstood, and continued to search for answers to the myriad of questions I had about Muslim traditions and practices, stature and rights of women in Islam and so on.

Laylat Al Qadr (The Night of Power)

Crowning Glory

Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) is the crowning glory of the holy month of Ramadan. It is associated with the sending down of the magnificent Qur’an, the last Book of Allah on His last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), for the guidance of mankind. The Qur’an Majeed describes this Night.
“We have indeed revealed this (message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to you what the Night of Power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the Angels and the Spirit (Jibraeel or Angel Gabriel) by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace! This until the rise of Morn!” (Surah 97)

The Night of Power is the night of spiritual bliss. Our Nabi (peace be upon him) is reported to have said concerning Ramadan:

RAMADAN: Reflections on Fasting

Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation. [2:185]

Ramadan is the ninth lunar month in the Islamic calendar. Muslims (Submitters) all over the world fast every day of this month from dawn to the sunset. During fasting, the Muslims abstain from eating, drinking and sexual encounter as decreed by God in verse 2:187 of the Quran.

At the outset, for somebody who does not have experience with it, fasting seems to be hardship on the people. It is very common for Muslims (Submitters) to have a colleague or a friend exclaim, “…You mean you cannot even drink water till sunset, not even a sip!”

Ramadan: A Gift Of Rememberance

They remember God while standing, sitting, and on their sides, and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: 
"Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified.
Save us from the retribution of Hell." (3:191)
Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. God wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify God for guiding you, and to express your appreciation. (2:185)

Introduction to Ramadan/Fasting

Ramadan is the ninth lunar month in the Islamic calendar. Submitters (Muslims) all over the world fast during this month from the beginning of dawn to sunset. During fasting, Submitters abstain from eating, drinking and sexual activity as commanded by God in the Quran (2:187).

Like all other practices in Submission, the practice of fasting during the lunar month of Ramadan has been in existence since the time of Abraham. Full details about fasting are given in the Quran in chapter 2 verses 183 to 187.

{subtitle} Fasting Emphasized and Modified*

27 Nov 2015


Islam rights are of two kinds: the Divine rights and the Human rights. Divine rights include strong faith in the Lord and worshipping Him. Humanity is described as “Allah’s family” and thereby Human rights are sacred. The Quran whilst repeatedly telling the believers to worship the Lord emphasises the respect for Human rights. In order to promote these rights and good relations the Quran teaches four principles:
  1. The Equality of mankind
  2. Mutual understanding
  3. Cooperation
  4. Friendship
These wonderful virtues should underpin relationships and interactions in particular Christian-Muslim. Here we will examine these principles to show how the Quran encourages Muslims to adopt them.

The Steps You Should Take on the road to Marriage

Below is a reflection piece by Imam Khalif Latif on the best steps to take in order to get Married.

It’s really tough for a lot of Muslims to get married these days. It’s that much tougher though when we don’t really have a clue of what we’re looking for in a marriage or what marriage means to us. A variety of factors lends towards this confusion but we find ourselves where we are nonetheless.

It seems like every day I’ve met and heard from numerous individuals who are looking for a spouse. I wish I had a more practical solution for them but unfortunately I don’t know of any services or agencies that I feel comfortable recommending. What usually ensues is a conversation that I hope would help unpack for the person what marriage means to them as opposed to them simply regurgitating someone else’s definition.

ISIS Does Not Define Islam

ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq); a terrorist group whose ultimate goals are to 1). Establish a new Islamic caliphate across the Middle East 2.) Force Muslims to submit to Al-Baghdadi’s radical Islamic perspective, while implementing a high-stakes mentality. Al-Baghdadi asks that one either “join the Islamic caliphate, or to be killed”. Muslims have observed the dark misconstructions of Islamic law that ISIS has globally relegated. Indeed, non-ISIS Muslims have seriously condemned ISIS’ actions and strongly agree that ISIS cannot even begin to consider themselves to be Muslims. Think for yourselves, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in this world while thirteen thousand of them live under the name ISIS. The thought that a group of orthodox lunatics are ruining the interpretation of a whole religion is beyond me, Muslims cannot continuously be categorized into a clump of barbaric, inhumane people who are told that their religion is like cancer in the United States that needs to be removed (low one John Bennett).
“Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or the oppressed. People asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” The Prophet said, “By preventing him from oppressing others.” Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)

Does Islam oppress women?

No. On the contrary, Islam elevated the status of women 1400 years ago by giving them the right to divorce, the right to have financial independence and support, and the right to be identified as dignified women (Hijab) when in the rest of the world, including Europe, women had no such rights. Women are equal to men in all acts of piety (Quran 33:32). 

Islam allows women to keep their maiden name after marriage, their earned money, and spend it as they wish, and ask men to be their protector. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told Muslim men, "the best among you is the one who is best to his family." Not Islam, but some Muslim men, do oppress women today. This is because of non-Islamic cultural habits or their ignorance towards their religion.

Was Islam spread by the sword?

According to the Quran, "There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256), thus, no one can be forced to become a Muslim. While it is true that in many places where Muslim armies went to liberate people or the land, they did carry the sword as that was the weapon used at that time. 

However, Islam did not spread by the sword because in many places where there are Muslims now, in the Far East like Indonesia, in China, and many parts of Africa, there are no records of any Muslim armies going there. 

To say that Islam was spread by the sword would be to say that Christianity was spread by guns, F-16's and atomic bombs, etc., which is not true. Christianity spread by the missionary works of Christians. Ten-percent of all Arabs are Christians. The "Sword of Islam" could not convert all the non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries. In India, where Muslims ruled for 700 years, they are still a minority. In the U.S.A., Islam is the fastest growing religion and has 6 million followers without any sword around.

Is Islam intolerant of other religious minorities?

Islam recognizes the rights of the minority. To ensure their welfare and safety, Muslim rulers initiated a tax (Jazia) on them. Prophet Muhammad (P) forbade Muslim armies to destroy churches and synagogues. Caliph Umer did not even allow them to pray inside a church. 

Jews were welcomed and flourished in Muslim Spain even when they were persecuted in the rest of Europe. They consider that part of their history as the Golden Era. In Muslim countries, Christians live in prosperity, hold government positions and attend their church. 

What is the dress code for Muslims?

Islam emphasizes modesty. No person should be perceived as a sex object. There are certain guidelines both for men and women that their dress should neither be too thin nor too tight to reveal body forms. 

For men, they must at least cover the area from the knee to navel ....and for women, their dress should cover all areas to be properly veiled Q 24:31. Some Islamic scholars grant license based on Quran & Sunnah creating some latitude allowing believing women to cover everything but the FACE and HANDS.

Does Islam promote violence and terrorism?

No. Islam is religion of peace and submission and stresses on the sanctity of human life. A verse in the Quran says, [Chapter 5, verse 32], that "anyone who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind and anyone who has killed another person (except in lieu of murder or mischief on earth) it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind.

" Islam condemns all the violence which happened in the Crusades, in Spain, in WW II, or by acts of people like the Rev. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, or the atrocities committed in Bosniaby the Christian Serbs. 

Anyone who is doing violence is not practicing his religion at that time. However, sometimes violence is a human response of oppressed people as it happens in Palestine. Although this is wrong, they think of this as a way to get attention. There is a lot of terrorism and violence in areas where there is no Muslim presence. 

What are the major Islamic festivals?

Idul Fitre, marks the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan and is celebrated with public prayers, feasts and exchange of gifts. Idul Adha marks the end of the Hajj or the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. After the public prayers, those who can afford, sacrifice a lamb or a goat to signify Prophet Abraham's obedience to God, shown by his readiness to sacrifice his son Ishmael.

What are the dietary prohibitions in Islam?

Muslims are told in the Quran not to eat pork or pork products, meat of the animals who died before being slaughtered or the carnivorous animals (as they eat dead animals), nor drink blood or intoxicants such as wine or use any illicit drugs.

Do Muslims worship Muhammad?

No Muslims do not worship Muhammad (PBUH) or any other prophets. Muslims believe in all prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses and Jesus. Muslims believe that Muhammad (P) was the last of the prophets. They believe that God alone is to be worshiped, not any human being.

What do Muslims think of Jesus?

It is sad that many Christians do not know that Jesus, peace be upon him, holds a very high position within Islam.  Unlike Orthodox Judaism, Islam considers Jesus to be the promised Messiah, a word from God, born of the Virgin Mary to bring a new covenant to the people of Israel.

Nevertheless, the Qur'an, the main book in Islam, leaves no room to accept concepts developed by Church theologians after the departure of Jesus, such as the sonship of Jesus (accepted at the Council of Nicaea on May 20, 325) or the idea of adding the Holy Spirit as the "third head" for God (developed as the concept of the Trinity in the Constantinopolitan Creed of 381).

In fact both concepts (the sonship of Jesus and the Trinity) tend to negate many clear verses in the old and New Testament. For example:

How should Muslims live with Jews & Christians?

The Quran calls them "People of the Book", i.e., those who received Divine scriptures before Muhammad (P). Muslims are told to treat them with respect and justice and do not fight with them unless they initiate hostilities or ridicule their faith. The Muslims ultimate hope is that they all will join them in worshipping one God and submit to His will.

"Say (O Muhammad): O people of the Book (Jews and Christians) come to an agreement between us and you, that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall take no partners with Him, and none of us shall take others for Lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are those who have surrendered (unto Him)." (Quran 3:64)